Friday, 27 November 2015

Install and configure Raspbian Jessie Lite

Install Raspbian Jessie Lite on to your micro SD card
download Raspbian Jessie Lite from
format your micro SD card into fat32 
use the SDFormatter program 
enable 'format size adjustment' in options will delete any partitions previous distros had on the micro SD card
extract the .zip of Raspbian Jessie Lite
install the .img file onto your clean micro SD card
use Win32DiskImager
you can now use the micro SD card to boot into Raspbian

Configure and update Raspbian and your kernel

log in with the username 'pi' and password 'raspberry'
(OPTIONAL)- gain access to root and create a new user replacing the default 'pi' user
sudo passwd root
enables logging in to root and lets you choose a password for root
log in with username 'root' and the password you just made
deluser -remove-home pi
delete the default pi user
adduser username
replace username with what you would like your account to be called
remember to not use capital letters; feel free to enter information like your name
underneath the line 
%sudo       ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
username       ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
this gives the account you made root privileges after entering the user password
you can let the user execute root commands without a password by instead typing
delete the last line pi ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL since we removed user 'pi'
type 'reboot' and login in with your new user account
sudo raspi-config
navigate with the arrow keys and press enter to select an option
press enter to expand the file system
this will configure Raspbian to use all the space on our micro SD card
enter into 'Internationalization Options'
press enter to change locale
locales are used to correctly display text from your region
the format used is [language][_TERRITORY][.CODESET][@modifier]
for example if you're an english speaking american you will probably only need to have en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 selected
scroll through the list with the arrow keys and select locales with 'Spacebar'
press enter and select the default system language/locale; you can choose one of the locales you have previously selected
return to 'Internationalization Options' and now select Change Timezone
select a nearby city/region in your timezone to configure the clock
(OPTIONAL)- return to 'Internationalization Options' once again and select 'Change Keyboard Layout'
generic 105-key (Intl) PC should work for mosty keyboards; see if you can find the keyboard you're using among the other options
select the layout
select the location of your function key if you have one
select the location of your compose key if you have one
go to 'Advanced Options' and select 'Hostname' to change what your raspberry pi will be called
feel free to change any other options; the options involving the default user will not work if you deleted the user 'pi'
use the right arrow key to select 'Finish' and arrow over to reboot now
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && reboot
just press 'Enter' when asked if you would like to continue
this update/upgrade the system and kernel and reboot
(OPTIONAL)- Check your firmware and raspbian version
uname -r
tells the kernel version you are using
cat /etc/issue
tells the raspbian version you are using
shutdown using the command 'sudo shutdown -h -P now'